Let me lead with a positive: JamPlays video lessons are awesome. The song lessons inspire me to learn songs and the theory behind the composition and the teachers are not only amazing guitarists, but great teachers. The app itself needs work though. This version is definitely more along the lines of what I would want from JamPlay. Its basically an extension of the phase learning and has the same video lessons in the areas of scales, theories, improvising and of course song video lessons. The App seems to spontaneously close out when trying to sort song titles by genre, teacher or skill level. There doesnt seem to be a way to sort songs by artist or song name. The video lessons work but the supplements cannot be accessed for some reason. I love them idea of the app because Im almost never in front of a computer and my guitar at the same time so I need a good way to access JamPlay on my phone but straight web access just doesnt cut it. Im hopeful that the bugs will be fixed because my subscription is well worth the money. This is 3 stars. If the supplements can be accessed and the bugs are gone, its a 5.
JetMetFan about Guitar Lessons by JamPlay, v2.1